Orixás what?

When it comes to Candomblé, it can be said that the world is divided into two parts: those who know what they are talking about, or because they are part of it or because they live in countries where it is common, and all the others.

Marcelo, aka Pai Odé, belongs to the first group of people: he has heard of orixás from the very first day of life.

But, for example, his grandmother, who was the one who introduced him to the orixás as she was a priestess of the Umbrian religion, was born in the second category of people, those for whom the word candomblé has no meaning.

In fact, she was a German who fled her country shortly after the First World War and learned of this magical world only once she arrived in Brazil.

I who am writing here, an Ekede de Oxum (assistant of the Orixá Oxum), am another example of a person who, because of her CV, could never be suspected of having something to do with the orixás.

I was the first to exclaim: "Orixás what?"

Still, I'm here to write about it.

So here is a question that I know that many people ask themselves and which cannot be answered in short, as if it were a FAQ regarding candomblé.

The question is: "Why?". Why me? Why accept what might seem totally irrational? why feel comfortable in a cultural context that is African, while we are Brazilians, Europeans, Americans, Asians ...

Pai Odé would answer this question by saying: "Because the orixás know no boundaries".

Orixás without borders is a mantra for him.

He is never tired of repeating that the love of the orixás and the power of their message, the charm of their mystery, can go anywhere, reach any type of person all over the world.

And he can prove it: among his "filhos" (sons of a saint) or simply among the many who come to him to ask for advice, to find out more, there are people from very different corners of the world.

But this answer says it all and nothing at the same time. It says everything because it is true that this culture and religion is open and available to anyone who wants to approach it.

But it is insufficient because it cannot explain how to many people who asked the question "orixás what?" happened to become great admirers, not without having had to overcome fears, prejudices, skepticism, a sense of ridicule ...

Through this blog we would like to try to answer the many questions that people ask us, answering from two different points of view: that of someone who was born in candomblé and that of a person who ended up being involved, but who comes from an environment very distant and still wondering: "orixá what?" …

... without ever being surprised by the infinite answers that the orixás can give.

Follow us ... and ask your questions!

Daisy is the flower of joy and friendship.If you approach the candomblé for the first time, you are warned: it is cheerful and colorful as a meadow of flowers!

Daisy is the flower of joy and friendship.

If you approach the candomblé for the first time, you are warned: it is cheerful and colorful as a meadow of flowers!


Orixás how?