Orixás how?

Now that we understand that from the orixás' point of view, the world is divided into two halves - those who know and the others - the next question is: how do others get to know?

It's a good question.

After thinking about it long and after interviewing as many friends and acquaintances as I could on the subject, I have come to the conclusion there is only one to blame.

It is Exú.

I try to explain what I mean.

There is a common thread in all the stories I have heard, including mine.

The events and details are, of course, very different, because they depend on the uniqueness of each person's life. But the plot wants people to make the decision to "try" (usually by talking to the priest, doing the cowrie shell divination) in a time of great spiritual difficulty; when things don't seem to work, for love or money or relationships or anything else.

When, after a while, after overcoming the turbulence, they remember the events that led to approach this magical world, they always realize that the first meeting had been preceded by countless things, large or small, which had determined the way to the orixás.

For example if I remember my story, I have perfectly in mind when I was announced that I would meet Pai Odé, although at that time not only did I not receive the message, but I also had categorically refused the possibility.

I was at a medical examination for my pregnancy when my partner, who belongs to the first half of the world having been born in a place where Candomblé exists, but who had never even entered a house of axé, told me that a friend of his had suggested that he ask a babalorixá for advice. I had a vague and highly stereotyped idea of ​​what a babalorixá was but in my mind this had to be a rasta who had moved from Jamaica to Brazil and, of course, he had to be a manipulator.

Therefore I "convinced" my partner to decline the invitation and I remember that the next day, breaking the rule that we should not talk about personal things at work, while I was in the office I vented with my colleagues telling how much I was worried about the mere meeting qith such kind of person. My colleagues and I concluded that a psychiatric consulence would have worked better (no, no analyst but no Pai Odé neither).

A year later, on a damp summer night, as a test of love, I proposed to him to go watch a football game, taking a caipirinha among the mosquitoes in a Latin festival.

Getting there, seeing the "jogo de búzios" marquee and feeling the need to enter ... it was a matter of seconds.

But now I know that those seconds that changed my life for the better were preceded by a seemingly random series of coincidences: some studies, travels, friends, suggested books, musical instruments, sports … many, many, many right road signs at the crossroads of my life, which only Exú could have placed.

Now I'd like to ask you, how did you get here?

The flower betony represents the wonder: my feeling when I pose the question “how?”.

The flower betony represents the wonder: my feeling when I pose the question “how?”.


Orixás beyond borders …


Orixás what?