[Babalorisà Marcelo de Moura – Pai Odé] 

[Ilé Alaketu Asé Odé Tola]

We are all born for happiness.

Yet, there is no person who does not experience moments of deep dissatisfaction.

Being happy does not mean not feeling pain: this feeling is part of life and must be gone through and lived.

Happiness is knowing how to live the pain, without being overwhelmed.

The "happiness" of which I speak is in fact spiritual calm.

Happiness is that condition for which, even if in pain, in difficulty, in struggle, we feel that we are fully ourselves.

We often fall into the error of thinking that happiness depends on others.

We suffer for love because someone doesn’t love us back.

We are in trouble at work because of the boss or a colleague.

Starting from that perspective, we try to intervene on others to benefit ourselves.

That our happiness depends on others is inly partially true.

The quality of relationships affects our daily lives, but the way we live relationships depends on how we are inside.

The way we stay with others depends on how we stay with ourselves.

Each of us has inside a powerful, infinite spiritual resource.

This force is our ORI.

Ori is the Orixa of our essence, it is who we are and our reason to be in the world, to fulfill the destiny of this life.

Is there a way to take care of Ori?


Nurturing one’s Ori is the core of a spiritual path of rebirth and awareness.

The candomblé offers to all, initiated and not, the possibility of a path towards self-knowledge, to better live every situation of everyday life.

The jogo de buzios (cowry shell divination) is the first step towards happiness in love, economic well-being, work stability, mental health.

Approach your Ori, get in touch with your essence and go towards true happiness.


The red geranium expresses melancholy. A feeling we feel when we are not in contact with ourselves.

The red geranium expresses melancholy. A feeling we feel when we are not in contact with ourselves.


Oxum: frustration and resilience.