Some reasons to try the cowry - shell divination.

Like the flower that emerges from the snow, so is the energy that, hidden for long inside us, springs up breaking our psychic barriers, in the spiritual path of candomblé.

Personally, I have tried in many ways to find myself.

Each path allowed me to discover something and maybe got solved a contingent problem, but I can say that it was only the initiation that made me feel, finally, complete or, going back to the image of the flower, which marked my rebirth.

I like to recall some of the attempts made, because I am convinced that I am not the only one to have tried so much!

The first intuition of the possibility of coming into contact with non-perceptible energies, was thanks to an old great-aunt with great divination skills.

Her prophecies, which I still remember word by word even though I was a little girl when she forecasted them, have come true.

Even the most painful.

From there, the obvious next step was consulting horoscopes and tarot cards: fascinating divinatory arts which, however, did not lead to the discovery of interiority, nor to the solution of problems.

They gave contingent satisfaction, made reach small goals, but without ever letting me get to the root of my dissatisfaction.

Through meditation, both static and dynamic, I learned to have access to inner energy, and Buddhist friends allowed me to understand the concept of connecting with universal energy

Osho's writings were enlightening, and mindfulness meditation, after a successful psychoanalysis, has become a daily practice.

These are powerful internal wound healing tools.

A very long pilgrimage on foot, in solitude, during a summer, taught me that you are never alone, if you have the courage to know yourself.

With reiki, I felt for the first time energy flow between two people and understood how it can help to make one feel good.

During some sessions of systemic constellations, on the other hand, I learnt how energy moves between several levels, connecting people, and how it is possible to act on an energy level, to extricate relational entanglements.

Only in the candomblé, however, starting from the first ebo that I did and then, irrefutably, during the bori that preceded my initiation, all aspects of my research came together.

I found myself in contact with my deepest energy and in connection with that of other people at the same time; I was alone without being alone; I got and gave evenly; I saw how certain actions of mine can influence the energy plan of other people, just as others can affect me.

I learned to ask not to obtain something, but to be helped to accomplish my fate.

For the first time, I acted not only to heal a wound or improve a situation, but to allow myself a radically new beginning and to start to walk on my way, towards my unique and unrepeatable destiny.

Suddenly, I felt beyond the barrier of prejudices, judgments and needs in which I was imprisoned.

It all started by chance (or maybe not!), with a jogo de búzios (cowry shell divination).

If you are still looking for yourself and your path, try ... trying is not harmful.

The jogo de búzios does not necessarily lead to initiation, that is a personal not for everyone choice, but it will allow you to solve problems by going to their origin, understanding why they are there.

If you want to stop being trapped in difficult and painful situations .. here you have a way.

Try a jogo de búzios!

As the snowdrop breaks the ice and announces the arrival of spring, so my inner energy has blossomed into the spiritual path of candomblé.

As the snowdrop breaks the ice and announces the arrival of spring, so my inner energy has blossomed into the spiritual path of candomblé.


Xango and Ayra: the symbol of fire in candomblé.


The power of women in the candomblé.