The individuation of the ruling deity of the new year is complicated and delicate.

In the Candomblé, in fact, there may be different opinions among the various houses, regarding the correct identification of the orixá that will take care of the new year.

Note, therefore, that the forecast proposed here is the interpretation of the jogo de búzios by Babalorisá Marcelo de Odé.

According to the vision of Babalorisá Marcelo de Odé, which is according to the jogo de Búzios made in the Ilé Asé Odé Tolá, for all the “filhos” of the house and for people that in various ways are in contact with the Orixás, the orixá that more than any other, during 2021, will be close to the humankind, taking care of all the events, is Oxum.

The year of Oxum is a year of renewal and rebirth.

It is a year in which we must review the priorities and values of life.

We are all invited to value what we have, all the little things the universe gives us every day.

Oxum is the orixá of freshwater.

We know that water is the beginning of life: we are all children of water, we are composed of water, water is everywhere, on earth, in the air and in all living things.

Water is a simple but essential element.

Worshipping Oxum, we pay attention to what we have of simple and essential in life.

That is why 2021 must be the year in which we look for the values of life, that we find in the (apparently) little things.

After the pandemic and the fear that it created, Oxum arrives in 2021 to give us spiritual rebirth.

It will be a year of plenty of life.

Therefore, great rains are expected, fertility in nature, but also for men.

It will be a year when it will be easy to fulfil the desire to have children.

The problems of love will be solved.

It will be a year of women, for women: a year in which female figures will have greater visibility and opportunities.

At the same time, it will be a year of new challenges.

The 2021 will bring proposals, characterized by the opening of perspectives in the professional field.

It will therefore be a year of rebirth and the beginning of a journey that will lead us to a spiritual and material evolution, whenever, of course, the invitation to improve what is essential is respected.

To make the most of the enormous potential that the next year, dominated by Oxum, brings with it, it is advisable to try to be, throughout the year, very in contact with the water and make purification and renewal baths.

To find out which herbal bath or purification ritual is recommended for you, in relation to your energies, and how to take advantage of the positive energies that will accompany 2021, write to Babalorisá Marcelo de Odé.


Iris, flower of sincerity.

Iris, flower of sincerity.


Oxum: frustration and resilience.


Did anyone see Iris?