Is the Candomblé an African or Brazilian religion?

Mysterious for most people, the Candomblé undoubtedly fascinates. From a strictly historical point of view it is the result of the African diaspora, consequent to the slave trade in South America. Originally, each orixá was individually worshipped by one of the populations (“nations”) living in West Africa. The pantheon of the orixás as it is known today in Brazil, as well as the rituals practiced today, are the result of the mixture and fusion of the different cults practised by the Africans who arrived in state of slavery. In this sense the Candomblé is a Brazilian religion and culture (and in this it is different from its African root). Those who wish to deepen the historical aspect of the formation of the candomblé might read: Luis Nicolau Parés, The formation of Candomblé: Vudun History and Ritual in Brazil, The University of North Carolina Press, 2013.