What is the cowry-shell divination for?

The function of the cowry- shell divination is to indicate the best individual path, in harmony with the universal energies. The achievement of the object of desire does not necessarily fit this global balance. For this reason a Candomblé priest will not be willing, for example, to perform "love rituals" to bind someone against their will, or if the requested union is not good for that person or those around. It takes faith to ask the orixás for advice. It is necessary to understand that individual and global well-being is considered as one thing from the universal point of view. Orixá is nature and nature is balance, harmony, peace. The strength to achieve this balance is within each one of us: the orixás can help us find and implement this energy. There is no need for external energies (magic) to achieve this harmony.

Is the cowry-shell divination like tarot? Not at all. With this statement, I do not wish to diminish the median capacity of many people, nor to denigrate the foundation of ancient tarot art or simila. But I think it is very important to make it clear that candomblé is a religion. As such, its function is to take care of spiritual growth. This applies both to those who belong to it (the Sons of Saint) and to those who want mere guidance, staying out of religion. Of course, there is also predictive content in the cowrie shell thing. However, it is not simply a matter of predicting a future event. In this sense, this is not just a prediction but, in a much broader and more complex way, a suggestion for the spiritual path.