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Historically speaking, Xango was one of the kings of the city of Oyo, more precisely he is considered as the third.

Xango is the orixá of justice, he who punishes when necessary and rewards when he is just. His fields of action are economics, politics and justice.

He is a great conqueror who does not admit to be defeated.

Also, he is considered an avenger. In fact he represents divine fury.

Xango does not stand losses, neither economic nor spiritual.

This orixá needs the company of others: he is not the lonely type; he hates loneliness and does not accept the end of life. In his concept, life must be eternal. That’s why he created the cult of the Egungun, of ancestors.

With this, the continuity between the two worlds, between the two dimensions of life, is guaranteed and there is no interruption in the cycle of life, which remains one, although divided into an earthly and a spiritual phase.

In fact, also in the funeral ritual of axexé, whose creation is attributed by the myth to Iansã, death is represented and considered as a mere transition from one state of life to the next.

Xango is the patron orixá of Brazil.

He was the first orixá to be established and worshiped here.

Each Axé House venerates Xango as a great king and as its patron.

Oya / Iansã's husband, also had a relationship with Oxum. His great love, however, is Iansã.

He embodies the natural energy of thunder. His symbol is the ax.

He is the patron of lawyers.

In Cuba, Xango is also the orixá of virility and masculine charm.
